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Mike in the Media

Dive deeper into Who’s Your Mike? with podcasts, articles, and more from friends of Mike.

Making the Best Staff Choices

The One Thing Podcast

You can’t build a business on your own. And as you grow, the people who helped you build may no longer be a good fit for their role—or for the growth and direction of the company. So how do you handle these employees? And how do you hire for the future?

Kurt Wilkin Hates Business Books. So He Wrote One

21 Hats Podcast

Kurt Wilkin talks about how he helped build several businesses, including most recently a recruiting business called HireBetter, and explains why he hates most business books.

The American Workplace is Broken — Here’s How Entrepreneurs Can Help Fix It

Real Leaders

Entrepreneurs should stop blaming their problems on The Great Resignation, the pandemic or other disruptions. If they’d look closely into their organizations, they’d realize their issues started long before COVID.

Addressing the Most Pressing People Decisions Holding You Back

Passion Struck Podcast

Kurt Wilkin joins the Passion Struck podcast to discuss why by putting the right talent in the right places—and pinpointing who’s holding the company back—entrepreneurs can unlock meaningful change that will enable their organization to grow, scale, and thrive.

Who’s Holding You Back?

Startup Hustle Podcast

Matt Watson and Kurt Wilkin discuss how entrepreneurs can transform their companies by minimizing hiring mistakes, investing in high potentials, and making the difficult decisions to drop dead weight from their team.

How to Handle Founding Staff Once Your Startup Has Grown

Real Leaders

In this excerpt from Who’s Your Mike?, Kurt talks us through one of the 12 key characters in his book – Bounce-Around Betty. How do you balance what’s best for the company and for Betty?